Exploring Food Allergy Families
Hosted by licensed therapist Tamara Hubbard, LCPC, Exploring Food Allergy Families is a podcast with real talk, relatable conversations, and practical advice focused on navigating the impacts that food allergies have on families, mental health, and emotional well-being. Subscribe now so you don't miss any episodes! (www.FoodAllergyFamilies.com. Music by Scott Holmes.)
Exploring Food Allergy Families
Social & Life Tips for Allergic Teens and Young Adults; Guest: Kortney Kwong Hing [Ep. 19]
Tamara Hubbard, LCPC (The Food Allergy Counselor website)
Season 2
Episode 19
Navigating the teen and young adult years is hard enough, but managing a food allergy can make it feel even more difficult. This episode offers guidance and tips to help allergic teens, young adults and parents navigate these years.
My guest Kortney Kwong Hing and I discuss the following topics:
Various common social & life scenarios, tips for speaking up about safety when shy, tips on how to fit in with friends safely, how/when to talk about your allergy when dating, talking to (and showing) parents you can be trusted, and taking ownership of having a food allergy. We also offer guidance for parents on how to approach teens who aren't taking allergy safety seriously.
- Connect with Kortney via Instagram (@allergy_girl_eats) or follow Zestfull on Instagram (@TheZestfull).
- Visit Zestfull's website at www.TheZestfull.com or check out the Itch Podcast at www.itchpodcast.com
- Connect with the Food Allergy Counselor Directory & website / Exploring Food Allergy Families podcast on Facebook: www.Facebook.com/FoodAllergyCounselor
- Connect with host & licensed therapist, Tamara Hubbard, LCPC:
Twitter: @TherapistTamara, Instagram: @TherapistTamara
- Download related useful food allergy-specific therapeutic worksheets created by Tamara Hubbard, LCPC in the Worksheets section of the Food Allergy Counselor website: https://www.foodallergycounselor.com/foodallergyanxietyworksheets.html
- Learn more about the Exploring Food Allergy Families podcast by visiting: www.FoodAllergyFamilies.com
- Visit the Food Allergy Counselor Directory & website for food allergy-related mental health resources and an allergy-informed therapist directory: www.FoodAllergyCounselor.com