Exploring Food Allergy Families

4 Things You Should Know About Therapy [Ep. 12]

Tamara Hubbard, LCPC Season 2 Episode 12

In honor of Counseling Awareness Month in April, Season 2 kicks off with an episode focusing on therapy, because after the last 12 months, many could benefit from additional support. This episode will specifically explore: 

  • WHY (and when) people might decide to seek out therapy
  • WHO provides counseling services 
  • WHAT some common counseling approaches are, and determining which is right for you
  • WHERE to find therapists

Read more tips on finding allergy-informed therapists: https://www.foodallergycounselor.com/blog/how-to-find-an-allergy-knowledgeable-counseling-provider

Websites to locate therapists or counseling providers: 

Learn more about the Exploring Food Allergy Families podcast at: www.FoodAllergyFamilies.com

To locate an allergy-informed clinical counseling provider in your state, or to access therapeutic worksheets and related resources, visit the Food Allergy Counselor Directory & website at: www.FoodAllergyCounselor.com

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